So I am supposed to make a blog for class. never been a big fan or reader of blogs. It is supposed to be about news stories and verifying them and such. I rarely ever pay attention to news stories now a days. I don not even own a t.v. I really do not have a lot of faith or trust in the news services of this country anymore. News anchors used to just be on t.v. to report the evening news then go away. It seems now a days they are trying to be bigger celebrities than Brad Pitt. I do not care about their opinions on something report the news then go away until the next night. Same thing with blogs. It is just a platform for people to whine cry and bitch about stuff. The world is the world it is under no obligation to make sense to you or anyone else.!!


  1. Well damn. This is hilarious. I don't mean it to be disrespectful t all either. But anchors report the news and in todays society they have to have an opinion to even be taken serious. In my humble opinion, I tend to flock to the anchor who isn't afraid to speak his peace. It shows that he stands for something even if I don't agree with his/her opinion. They are as big as some b list celebs these days. But in the era where Donald Trump is our nations President, everyone has an opinion an for the last two years, people have been unafraid to say it with little consequences if they do except for maybe Have a great dy.


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